Evanescence presents a series of ceramic sculptures by Jan Steenman, exploring the
intersection between Vipassana meditation—a profound meditative practice focused on
mindfulness and the observation of bodily sensations—and the sculptural process. This
exhibition examines how inner transformations, inspired by this practice, can be
manifested in tangible forms, revealing the subtleties of human and emotional
Through his works, the sculptor engages in a visual dialogue with meditative concepts
such as impermanence, non-self, and interconnectedness. Vipassana meditation, as an
inner journey, provides a perspective on these ideas, which the artist translates into
sculptures depicting the phases of this exploration. His creations materialize these
intangible experiences into concrete forms, utilizing the five fundamental elements of
empirical personality: form, sensation, perception, mental formations, and
consciousness. This sequence is evolutionary: form generates sensations, influencing
perception and mental formations, and the whole nurtures consciousness. This process of
transformation is also reflected in the sculptures, which evolve from an initial form into
increasingly complex structures, illustrating how each stage influences the next.
A recurring symbol in this series is the crab, often present in the artist’s work. Capable
of molting and changing its shell throughout its life, the crab becomes a metaphor for
reincarnation and transformation. Ecdysis, the process by which the crab sheds its old
shell to develop a new one, fully illustrates impermanence and constant renewal. The
exuviae, the empty shell left behind, symbolizes what is left behind as we evolve,
reflecting the perpetual cycle of transformation.
In one of the sculptures, the octopus adds an additional dimension to these concepts. Its
ability to change shape, color, and texture embodies the fluidity and adaptability of
existence. The distributed nervous system of the octopus, with a significant portion of its
neurons located in its arms, illustrates the idea of a non-fixed self and
interconnectedness, where each part contributes to the whole without fully defining it.
The octopus, as a deep-sea creature, further reinforces the idea of exploring the deepest
and most mysterious aspects of consciousness, a quest at the heart of meditation.
Steenman’s works also highlight the interconnectedness of bodily organs, illustrating
how the brain, heart, lungs, stomach, and small intestine form an interdependent
network. This relationship between the organs reflects universal interconnectedness, akin
to the neural and mycelial networks that support life. The sculptures capture this fluidity
and these interactions, showing how each element of the body, just like each aspect of
meditation, contributes to the dynamic whole of existence.
Evanescence thus invites viewers to explore the reflections revealed by meditation and
to contemplate the constant transformation of life. The artist’s sculptures offer a tactile
and sensory perspective on the most ephemeral and interconnected aspects of human
reality, while fostering a dialogue between art and philosophical inquiry.
Date summer 2024 Material glazed ceramic Type of work Sculpture Location Espace Olizane Pictures by Nelson Iso